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Buttermilk isn’t one of those baking ingredients we tend to just have lying around.  But don’t be put off making that yummy sounding recipe just because you don’t have any buttermilk (or are too lazy to go to the shop to buy some… just me?).  You actually most probably have everything you need already without knowing it.

All you need is some normal milk and some white vinegar.  I have white vinegar in the cupboard because I use it for cleaning.  It really is very handy for all kinds of stuff, I recommend having a bottle there at all times.

If you don’t have any white vinegar, you can also use lemon juice.

Put one tablespoon of the vinegar or lemon juice into a measuring cup that can hold a cup of liquid.

Add milk to make up the rest of the cup.

Leave stand for 5 minutes.  Then use as much as you need in your recipe.  Or just double it if you need more.

Done in 5 minutes and it’s cheaper than buying buttermilk too!